Could I… ???

Could I practice bold virtue in every thought, my joys would surely multiply.  The further I go, the less I know; somehow there is always MORE to explore.

V01/a/ practice

V02/i/ in, is

V03/ough/ thought

V04/u/ multiply

V04/e/ the

V04/o_e/ some, somehow

V05/e/ every, explore, less

V06/ay/ may

V06/e_e/ there

V07/i/ I

V07/y/ my

V08/o_e/ more

V08/o/ go, bold

V08/ow/ know

V09/o/ to

V10/e/ because

V11/a/ always

V12/ou/ could, would

V13/ow/ how

V14/oy/ joy(s)

V15/ir/ virtue

V15/ur/ further

V15/ure/ surely

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]… Go for it!!

[A]  PHONOLOGICAL ACUITY :: Use WA’s Sound Map.  Differentiate.  Articulate.  Blend speech sounds.  Rhyme.

[B]  CONCEPTS OF PRINT :: Spell-out speech sounds.  Say letter names.  Craft letter shapes.  Use left-to-right directionality.  Credit author/illustrator.  Examine book parts.

[C]  READING READINESS :: Pronounce and spell vocabulary-to-be-read.  Use WA’s *CloudSpelling* and Word Lists for Literature Mastery.  Notice roots.  Notice affixes.

[D]  READ TO DISCOVER :: Visualize.  Predict.  Make connections.  Clarify.  Summarize.  Fluently intone an author’s message with appropriate emphasis.

[E]  SHARE INSIGHTS :: Think critically.  Dare to inquire more deeply.  Discuss.  Debate.  Enjoy!

How to spell her name?

babyWhenever we talk about “spelling” in regards to language arts, the “how-to” of it all is really very easy.  Well… easy when one knows which letter(s) will represent each sound unit, and hard if one doesn’t.

One has to KNOW what one knows; spelling is about hearing, seeing and remembering.

Fundamentally, one must be able to differentiate between parsed sound-units, be able to recognize them at least within one’s own thoughts, and then blend those units into a whole word.  Print-out each representation using relevant letter(s).  Remember, spelling is a social convention and, as such, is subject to change over time.  But on any given day, students/employees must know the “correct” conventions of language to earn good evaluations for promotions.

If you wanted your baby girl to be called the common name shown below, which spelling would you choose?


1st unit:  Options for Consonant Sound C22


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/N/


3rd unit: Change V02/I/ to V02/Y/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/N/


5th unit:  Change C18/T/ to C19/D/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/N/


6th unit:  Options include V02/V04/V05


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/Y/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/Y/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/Y/ C34/N/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V04/A/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V04/A/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V04/A/ C34/N/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V05/E/ C34/N/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V05/E/ C34/N/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V05/E/ C34/N/


7th unit:  Change C34/N/ to C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/  • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/Y/ C28/S/ • C19/D/ V02/I/ C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/Y/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/Y/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V02/Y/ C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V04/A/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V04/A/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V04/A/ C34/NN/


C22/K/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V05/E/ C34/NN/


C22/C/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V05/E/ C34/NN/


C22/CH/ C38/R/ V02/I/ C28/S/ • C18/T/ V05/E/ C34/NN/


All of the above are not to be confused with the names “Kirsten” or “Christian” which do sound similar.   Now I’m curious to know the algorithm’s rationale for spell-check alerts!



Speech productions will be as variable as each individual speaker, yet evolving brains imprint basic “native tongue” patterns to imitate. 

Toddlers will realize that waves of phrases actually contain individual words.  Preschoolers will learn that every word can be parsed into individual sound-units which – when heard and said – become reliable underpinnings for both spelling and reading.  Adults, by our example, will teach our children that vocabulary acquisition is indeed a life-long venture.

Standardization of conventional wisdom regarding language-learning must come from crowdsourcing.  Although educational experts may continue to disagree on quantity/quality of sound-units, all instruction will be strengthened whenever we create a durable SOUND foundation for the learner.

Know the Essentials


American posts an interactive MAP of basic physical materials shown above, with code-abbreviations, then states a straight-forward call to action which is facilitated by detailed information about each unit, including properties, safety data, products, research and isotopes, plus hot topics like nanotechnology, sputtering targets, rare earths, green technology, alternative energy, fuel cells, ultra high purity, solar energy, bio-medical grade metals and alloys, metal foams, hydrogen storage materials, and battery technology.

With even more urgency regarding your creative empowerment, WordsAhead posts its MAP of basic language/speech units (not yet interactive) and also invites you to take action:

HEAR the sounds.  SAY the sounds.  SPELL the sounds.  READ!


Here are first-syllable vowel sounds:


V01/a/ Actinium [Ac]

V01/a/ Antimony [Sb]

V01/a/ Astatine [At]

V01/a/ Cadmium [Cd]

V01/a/ Calcium [Ca]

V01/a/ Californium [Cf]

V01/a/ Francium [Fr]

V01/a/ Gadolinium [Gd]

V01/a/ Gallium [Ga]

V01/a/ Hafnium [Hf]

V01/a/ Lanthanum [La]

V01/a/ Manganese [Mn]

V01/a/ Magnesium [Mg]

V01/a/ Platinum [Pt]

V01/a/ Scandium [Sc]

V01/a/ Tantalum [Ta]

V01/a/ Thallium [Tl]


V02/i/ Indium [In]

V02/i/ Iridium [Ir]

V02/y/ Ytterbium [Yb]

V02/y/ Yttrium [Y]

V02/i/ Bismuth [Bi]

V02/i/ Lithium [Li]

V02/i/ Livermorium [Lv]

V02/i/ Nickel [Ni]

V02/i/ Silicon [Si]

V02/i/ Silver [Ag]

V02/i/ Tin [Sn]

V02/i/ Zinc [Zn]

V02/y/ Dysprosium [Dy]

V02/y/ Krypton [Kr]


V03/o/ Osmium [Os]

V03/o/ Oxygen [O]

V03/O/ Copper [Cu]

V03/o/ Phosphorus [P]

V03/o/ Strontium [Sr]


V04/u/ Rutherfordium [Rf]

V04/u/ Sulfur [S]

V04/u/ Tungsten [W]

V04/e/ Selenium [Se]

V04/a/ Aluminum [Al]

V04/a/ Americium [Am]

V04/a/ Palladium [Pd]

V04/a/ Samarium [Sm]

V04/a/ Vanadium [V]

V04/o/ Copernicium [Cn]

V04/o/ Molybdenum [Mo]

V04/o/ Polonium [Po]

V04/o/ Promethium [Pm]


V05/e/ Flerovium [Fl]

V05/e/ Neptunium [Np]

V05/e/ Mendelevium [Md]

V05/e/ Technetium [Tc]

V05/e/ Tellurium [Te]

V05/ea/ Lead [Pb]

V05/oe/ Roentgenium [Rg]


V06/a/ Barium [Ba]

V06/a/ Praseodymium [Pr]

V06/a/ Radium [Ra]

V06/a/ Radon [Rn]


V07/i/ Iodine [I]

V07/i/ Iron [Fe]

V07/i/ Niobium [Nb]

V07/i/ Nitrogen [N]

V07/i/ Titanium [Ti]

V07/ei/ Einsteinium [Es]

V07/ei/ Meitnerium [Mt]

V07/y/ Hydrogen [H]


V08/o/ Bohrium [Bh]

V08/o/ Boron [B]

V08/o/ Bromine [Br]

V08/o/ Chlorine [Cl]

V08/o/ Chromium [Cr]

V08/o/ Cobalt [Co]

V08/o/ Gold [Au]

V08/o/ Holmium [Ho]

V08/o/ Nobelium [No]

V08/o/ Potassium [K]

V08/o/ Protactinium [Pa]

V08/o/ Rhodium [Rh]

V08/o/ Sodium [Na]

V08/o/ Thorium [Th]

V08/uo/ Fluorine [F]


V09/u/ Ununoctium [Uuo]

V09/u/ Ununpentium [Uup]

V09/u/ Ununseptium [Uus]

V09/u/ Ununtrium [Uut]

V09/u/ Dubnium [Db]

V09/u/ Lutetium [Lu]

V09/u/ Plutonium [Pu]

V09/u/ Rubidium [Rb]

V09/u/ Ruthenium [Ru]

V09/u/ Thulium [Tm]

C39+V09/u/ Uranium [U]

C39+V09/eu/ Europium [Eu]


V10/e/ Cesium [Cs]

V10/e/ Helium [He]

V10/e/ Neodymium [Nd]

V10/e/ Neon [Ne]

V10/e/ Rhenium [Re]

V10/e/ Xenon [Xe]

V10/ea/ Seaborgium [Sg]


V11/a/ Argon [Ar]

V11/a/ Arsenic [As]

V11/a/ Carbon [C]

V11/a/ Darmstadtium [Ds]

V11/a/ Hassium [Hs]

V11/aw/ Lawrencium [Lr]


V12 (none)

V13 (none)

V14 (none)


V15/ir/ Zirconium [Zr]

V15/er/ Erbium [Er]

V15/er/ Berkelium [Bk]

V15/er/ Beryllium [Be]

V15/er/ Cerium [Ce]

V14/er/ Fermium [Fm]

V15/er/ Germanium [Ge]

V15/er/ Mercury [Hg]

V15/er/ Terbium [Tb]

C39+V15/ur/ Curium [Cm]

Best Answer

Parsed sound-units are heard before they are spelled-out.

This is the best answer to the good question, “How is the WordsAhead spelling method unique?”  Again, V01-C39 come ahead of ABCs.


C32 + V13

C32/H/ V13/OW/



V02 + C29

V02/I/ C29/S/



C27 + V04

C27/TH/ V04/E/



C36 + V15 + C19 + C29

C36/W/ V15/OR/ C19/D/ C29/S/



V04 + C32 + V05 + C19

V04/A/ • C32/H/ V05/EA/ C19/D/



C28 + C16 + V05 + C37 + V02 + C35

C28/S/ C16/P/ V05/E/ • C37/LL/ V02/I/ C35/NG/



C33 + V05 + C26 + V04 + C19

C33/M/ V05/E/ • C26/TH/ V04/O/ C19/D/



C39 + V09 + C34 + V10 + C22

C39+V09/U/ • C34/N/ V10/I_E/ C22/QU/



C16 + V11 + C38 + C28 + C18

C16/P/ V11/A_E/ C38/R/ C28/S/ C18/D/



C28 + V13 + C34 + C19

C28/S/ V13/OU/ C34/N/ C19/D/



C39 + V09 + C34 + V02 + C18 + C28

C39+V09/U/ • C34/N/ V02/I/ C18/T/ C28/S/



C22 + V04 + C33

C22/C/ V04/O_E/ C33/M/



C24 + V15 + C28 + C18

C24/F/ V15/IR/ C28/S/ C18/T/



V06 + C17 + V10 + C28 + V10 + C29

V06/A/ • C17+V10/B/ • C28+V10/C/ C29/s/



C24 + V03 + C37 + V08

C24/F/ V03/O/ • C37/LL/ V08/OW/




Hear With Other Ears

“The essence of reproduction, to feel and re-create that which was felt and imparted by the creator (ie., author, composer, architect, etc.) does not exclude – within natural limitations – the assertion of creative power….

The interpreting artist creates, in a sense, the work ANEW… seizes the vital conception of the art work, blends it with his/her own ego and the views of the period, and thus imbues it with life and effectiveness….

(We can) approach art-productions of earlier times through the medium of OUR OWN spiritual and emotional nature.”

Dr. Hugo Goldschmidt

Die Lehre von der vokalen Ornamentik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts

[Translation: The teaching of the vocal ornamentation of the 17th and 18th Centuries]

Methods and Practices of Teaching [Pedagogy]

Many educators are taught to teach vowels/consonants and yet most teachers incorrectly think of Letters /b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z/ as consonants and /a, e, i, o, u/ as vowels.

Vowels/consonants are SPEECH SOUNDS, not letters, so words with one individual vowel sound (e.g. a, eye, oh/owe, ah, ow) ought to be represented only with a capital letter “veee” V, not conventionally itemizing individual letters /e/ /y/ /e/ as vcv.

Words with a vowel sound and a consonant sound (e.g. at, if, ought, up, egg, ate, ice, owed, eat, all, our, oil, irk) are correctly Vc.  Conventional pedagogy wrongly represents ought as vvccc /o/ /u/ /g/ /h/ /t/.

WordsAhead says cVc equals consonant-vowel-consonant (e.g. hat, ship, dot, cup, bell, cane, kite, cone, tube, feet, ball, hook, down, boys, girl).  Conventional pedagogy wrongly thinks about letters:

Wrongly cvvc for “book”; correctly cVc

Wrongly cvcv for “tube”; correctly cVc

Wrongly cvccc for “might”; correctly cVc

Wrongly cvvcc for “laugh”; correctly cVc

WordsAhead says ccVc includes two consonant sounds, one vowel sound, then one consonant sound (e.g. plays, smile, croak, stoop, clean, fraught, plowed, spoil, flirt).  Conventional pedagogy wrongly represents fraught as ccvvccc /f/ /r/ /a/ /u/ /g/ /h/ /t/.  It is, therefore, no mystery why learners are fraught with confusion!

Microscopic Perspective

Hear same sounds, see different spellings:

Both words end C23 V12 C37.  Seagull is C23/g/ V12/u/ C37/ll/Google is C23/g/ V12+C37/le/ (spelling is reversed)


Hear same sounds with different V/C functions:

V15 and C38 sound the same.  Girl is C23/g/ V15/ir/ C37/l/; grill is C23/g/ C38/r/ V02/i/ C37/ll/.

1 2 3 4 5