Sounds spelled with more than one letter
Do your teaching materials show all the following spellings which use MORE than one letter?
Letter /Aa/…
V01/A_E/ have
V06/A_E/ age
V11/A_E/ are
V06/A_UE/ vague
V04/AE/ aerobic
V10/AE/ Caesar
V11/AH/ AH!!
V01/AI/ plaid
V05/AI/ said
V06/AI/ air
V06/AI_E/ raise
V06/AIGH/ straight
V07/AIS_E/ aisle
V04/AU/ authority
V01/AU/ laugh
V11/AU/ author
V06/AU_E/ gauge
V11/AU_E/ pause
V11/AUGH/ taught
V08/AW/ drawer
V11/AW/ saw
V11/AWE/ awesome
V05/AY/ says
V06/AY/ day
V07/AYE/ aye!
Letter /Bb/…
C17/BB/ shabby
C18/BT/ debt
Letter /Cc/…
C20/CH/ choose
C22/CC/ soccer
C22/CH/ chord
C30/CH/ chef
C22/CK/ pack
Letter /Dd/…
C19/DD/ add
C21/DG/ badge
C34/DN/ Wednesday
Letter /Ee/…
V05/E_E/ else
V06/E_E/ there
V10/E_E/ eve
V05/EA/ head
V06/EA/ wear
V10/EA/ each
V11/EA/ heart
V10/EA_E/ please
V15/EAR/ earn
V15/EAR_E/ rehearse
V08/EAU/ beau
C39+V09/EAU/ beauty
V02/EE/ been
V10/EE/ preen
V10/EE_E/ cheese
V05/EI/ heifer
V06/EI/ skein
V10/EI/ either
V06/EI_E/ beige
V10/EI_E/ receive
V06/EIG/ reign
V06/EIGH/ eight
V07/EIGH/ height
V10/EO/ people
V15/ER/ germ
V15/ER_E/ nerve
V15/ERE/ were
C39+V09/EUE/ queue
V08/EW/ sew
V09/EW/ chew; C39+V09/EW/ few
C39+V09/EWE/ ewe
V06/EY/ they
V07/EY/ geyser
V10/EY/ key
V07/EYE/ eye
Letter /Ff/…
C24/FF/ off
Letter /Gg/…
C21/GG/ exaggerate
C23/GG/ saggy
C23/GH/ ghost
C24/GH/ laugh
C34/GN/ gnome
Letter /Hh/…
V13/HOU/ hour
Letter /Ii/…
V02/I_E/ give
V07/I_E/ ice
V05/IE/ friend
V07/IE/ die
V10/IE/ thief
V02/IE_E/ sieve
V10/IE_E/ piece
V07/IA/ dial
V07/IGH/ light
V15/IR/ girl
V07/IS/ island
Letter /Kk/…
C34/KN/ know
Letter /Ll/…
C19/LD/ could
C24/LF/ half
C22/LK/ walk
C37/LL/ kill
C34/LN/ Lincoln
C25/LV/ halves
Letter /Mm/…
C33/MB/ dumb
C33/MM/ hammer
C33/MN/ autumn
Letter /Nn/…
C34/NN/ banner
C35/NG/ rang
Letter /Oo/…
V03/O_E/ gone
V04/O_E/ some
V08/O_E/ nose
V09/O_E/ move
V04/OE/ does
V08/OE/ toe
V09/OE/ shoe
V10/OE/ amoeba
V03/OA/ broad
V08/OA/ loaf
V08/OA_E/ coarse
V14/OI/ oil
V14/OI_E/ choice
V08/OH/ oh!
V04/OO/ flood
V08/OO/ door
V09/OO/ moon
V12/OO/ look
V09/OO_E/ choose
V15/OR/ worm
V15/OR_E/ worse
V15/ORR/ worry
V04/O_UE/ tongue
V08/O_UE/ rogue
V03/OU/ cough
V04/OU/ young
V08/OU/ four
V09/OU/ you
V11/OU/ could
V13/OU/ our
V08/OU_E/ course
V09/OU_E/ rouge
V13/OU_E/ house
V15/OU_E/ scourge
V03/OUGH/ thought
V08/OUGH/ though
V09/OUGH/ through
V13/OUGH/ bough
V15/OUR/ courage
V03/OW/ knowledge
V08/OW/ own
V13/OW/ down
V13/OW_E/ drowse
V08/OWE/ owe
V14/OY/ oyster
Letter /Pp/…
C24/PH/ physician
C34/PN/ pneumonia
C16/PP/ happy
C24/PPH/ sapphire
C28/PS/ pseudo
Letter /Qq/…
C22/QU/ liquor
Letter /Rr/…
C38/RH/ rhyme
C38/RR/ error
Letter /Ss/…
C28/SC/ scissors
C30/SH/ shoe
C37/SL/ aisle
C28/SS/ mass
C29/SS/ dessert
C30/SS/ mission
C31/SS/ fissure
C28/ST/ listen
Letters /Tt/…
C20/TCH/ hatch
C26/TH/ through
C27/TH/ the
C18/TT/ batty
C18/TW/ two
Letter /Uu/…
V11/UA/ guard
V04/U_E/ judge
V09/U_E/ rude; C39+V09/U_E/ cute
V05/UE/ guess
V09/UE/ blue; C39+V09/UE/ cue
V02/UI/ build
V09/UI/ suit
V09/UI_E/ juice
V07/UI_E/ guide
V15/UR/ turn; C39+V09/UR/ fury
V15/UR_E/ urge
V15/URE/ sure; C39+V15/URE/ pure
V15/URR/ purr
V07/UY/ buy
Letters /Ww/…
C32/WH/ whole
C38/WR/ write
Letter /Yy/…
V07/Y_E/ type
V07/YE/ bye
V15/YR/ myrtle
Letter /Zz/…
C29/ZZ/ jazz