Early Childhood Development-Pre[K]
Vowel-sorted language highlighting the advantages of early education:
V01/a/ advantages for both individual and society
V01/a/ language stimulation for crucial brain-mapping
V01/a/ tax revenue increases over time
V02/i/ improved classroom climate; better-behaved kids
V02/i/ increased skills and knowledge
V02/i/ inequalities and disparities lessened
V03/o/ cost-savings for academic remediation
V04/u/ success in schoolwork
V04/a/ attention-improvements, not attention-deficit
V05/e/ economic savings for school systems
V05/e/ engagements revitalized (parent-child, teacher-student, etc.)
V05/ea/ healthier kids and parents
V06/ai/ brain health; less depression
V07/igh/ higher education and achievement, overall
V08/o/ productivity enhancements
V08/ow/ lower attrition
V08/ow/ lower social/economic inequalities
V09/u/ nutritional advantages
V10/ee/ peer-learning improvements
V10/e/ reduced stress, crime, violence
V11/a/ marginalization minimized
V12/oo/ hook-ups for caregivers with support systems
V13/ow/ power to mitigate trauma and deprivation
V14/oy/ joy, as evidenced by singing
V15/ear/ earning potential improvements for ALL